Class Modal<ModalAttrs>Abstract

The Modal component displays a modal dialog, wrapped in a form. Subclasses should implement the className, title, and content methods.

Type Parameters




alertAttrs: null | AlertAttrs = null

Attributes for an alert component to show below the header.

attrs: ModalAttrs

The attributes passed into the component.


element: Element

The root DOM element for the component.

loading: boolean = false
state: undefined

Class component state that is persisted between redraws.

Updating this will not automatically trigger a redraw, unlike other frameworks.

This is different to Vnode state, which is always an instance of your class component.

This is undefined by default.

isDismissible: boolean = true

Determine whether or not the modal should be dismissible via an 'x' button.


Use the individual isDismissibleVia... attributes instead and remove references to this.

isDismissibleViaBackdropClick: boolean = true

Can the modal be dismissed via a click on the backdrop.

isDismissibleViaCloseButton: boolean = true

Can the model be dismissed with a close button (X)?

If false, no close button is shown.

isDismissibleViaEscKey: boolean = true

Can the modal be dismissed by pressing the Esc key on a keyboard?



  • Returns a jQuery object for this component's element. If you pass in a selector string, this method will return a jQuery object, using the current element as its buffer.

    For example, calling component.$('li') will return a jQuery object containing all of the li elements inside the DOM element of this component.


    the jQuery object for the DOM node



    • Optional selector: string

      a jQuery-compatible selector string

    Returns JQuery<HTMLElement>

  • Callback executed when the modal is shown and ready to be interacted with.


    Focuses the first input in the modal.

    Returns void

  • Initialize the component's attrs.

    This can be used to assign default values for missing, optional attrs.


    • attrs: unknown

    Returns void

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