Interface FlarumObject

The global flarum variable.

Contains the compiled ES Modules for all Flarum extensions and core.


<caption>Check if `flarum-tags` is present</captions>
if ('flarum-tags' in flarum.extensions) {
// Tags is installed and enabled!


  • FlarumObject



Contains the compiled ES Module for Flarum's core.

You shouldn't need to access this directly for any reason.

debug: boolean

For early operations, this object stores whether we are in debug mode or not.

extensions: Readonly<Record<string, ESModule>>

Contains the compiled ES Modules for all Flarum extensions.


<caption>Check if `flarum-tags` is present</captions>
if ('flarum-tags' in flarum.extensions) {
// Tags is installed and enabled!

Contains a registry of all exported modules, as well as chunks that can be imported and the modules each chunk contains.

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