class QueryCriteria

Represents the criteria that will determine the entire result set of a query. The limit and offset are not included because they only determine which part of the entire result set will be returned.


User $actor <p>The user performing the query.</p>
array $query <p>Query params.</p>
array $sort <p>An array of sort-order pairs, where the column is the key, and the order is the value. The order may be 'asc', 'desc', or an array of IDs to order by.</p>
bool $sortIsDefault <p>Is the sort for this request the default sort from the controller? If false, the current request specifies a sort.</p>


__construct(User $actor, array $query, array $sort = null, bool $sortIsDefault = false)

No description


__construct(User $actor, array $query, array $sort = null, bool $sortIsDefault = false)


User $actor <p>The user performing the query.</p>
array $query <p>The query params.</p>
array $sort <p>An array of sort-order pairs, where the column is the key, and the order is the value. The order may be 'asc', 'desc', or an array of IDs to order by.</p>
bool $sortIsDefault